Employment services

Job seeking

Job seeking can be challenging and overwhelming, with various obstacles such as fierce competition, rejection, and uncertainty. However, our approach to supporting your job search is holistic and caring. We understand that job seeking is not just about finding a job, but also about considering your career goals, personal values, and well-being.


We provide comprehensive assistance, including personalized guidance, practical tips, emotional support, and resources to help you navigate the job market with confidence and resilience. We prioritize your well-being and strive to empower you throughout your job search journey, recognizing that it is a significant aspect of your life that requires compassionate support.

We understand the importance of personal branding in today’s job market. We will work with you to develop a powerful personal brand and elevator pitch that showcases your unique strengths and sets you apart from the competition. With a compelling personal brand, you’ll leave a lasting impression on potential employers and make a memorable impact during interviews.


We also specialize in crafting targeted resumes and applications that highlight your qualifications and achievements in the most effective way possible.  By tailoring your resume and cover letter to the specific requirements of your desired job, your application will stand out in the sea of applicants.

Recruitment strategy

In today’s digital age, virtual interviews, including Skype and video interviews, have become increasingly common. Our job seeking services include comprehensive coaching on interview skills, both in-person and virtual, to help you excel in any interview format. From answering common and behavioural interview questions, to tricky situations, we will equip you with the skills and confidence needed to ace any interview.


With the growing use of Automated systems in recruiting, we also provide specialized training on how to navigate through automated screening processes. Our strategies and techniques will help you optimize your resume and application to bypass the Automated filters and ensure that your qualifications are accurately evaluated by human recruiters.

When it comes to job seeking strategies, it’s crucial to be proactive and strategic.

Strategic planning

We can assist you in making a strategy for your job search. in several ways. Firstly, we can provide you with personalized tips and guidance on optimizing your resume and cover letter based on the specific job you’re applying for. We can also help you identify relevant job search platforms, company websites, and professional networking opportunities to explore. Additionally, we can assist in improving your online presence by offering suggestions for enhancing your LinkedIn profile and managing your personal brand.  We can also assist you practice and refine your interviewing skills by conducting mock interviews and providing feedback. With our support, you can create a strategic job search plan that maximizes your chances of finding the right job opportunity for your career goals.


Vocational Redirection offers a a career assessment service assisting you to find the career pathway that best suit your career interests and motivators. The Birkman method assists with selecting an education track to switching careers that resonates with who we are and our unique interests. So if you are interested in capitalizing on your natural strengths and finding a career path that is in line with your interests. 


The Birkman Method is a personality assessment tool that measures an individual’s personality traits, social behaviours, motivations, and occupational interests and is widely used in organizational settings for personal and professional development.  We utilise the findings to gain comprehensive insights into an individual’s strengths needs and motivations when targeting careers opportunities.


We will assist you to identifying your career goals and creating a targeted resume and cover letter that highlight your skills and experience.

Customize your application for each job, showcasing how you can contribute to the company’s success. 

Network with professionals in your field through informational interviews, networking events, and online communities to expand your connections and learn about hidden job opportunities. 

Utilize job search platforms, company websites, and professional social media platforms to find job openings and set up job alerts. 

Additionally, polish your online presence by updating your LinkedIn profile and managing your personal brand. 

Finally, practice interviewing skills, follow up on applications, and be persistent in your job search efforts. By combining a proactive and strategic approach, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Get in touch today and take the first step in the right direction